Friday, October 24, 2008

"Stay calm, don't panic"

Ok, so a few hours before Shelby's party, I took her to town for some Mom and Shelby time (Thankyou Nana for watching Luke). Wal-Mart was our last stop before heading home. I opened the back car door, tossed my purse into the front seat, and proceeded to buckle Shelby in her car seat. Then I shut her door, and tried to open mine. It was locked. I had accidentaly pushed the lock button on the remote before I tossed my purse into the front seat. So, Shelby was locked in the car, along with my cell phone. Long story short, I borrowed a cell phone from a very nice family so I could call 911. I also found out that the lock smiths don't charge you to open your car when there is a child locked in it. Isn't that sweet. So, I am sure that Shelby will not remember her first birthday, but I will never forget.


Jim said...

I admire your calm, Heidi. Rather than thinking to ask a passerby for a cell phone, I might have asked for a tire iron so as to break a window and get to the baby faster. There are few things more upsetting than not being able to reach one of your kids. We lost Hyrum one time in the eighties. All the emergency agencies turned out along with the neighbors to help us find him. He'd crawled behind the couch and gone to sleep! But for nearly an hour we were getting ourselves ready for the worst. After all, there was a big irrigation ditch right across the street.

I'm so glad everything turned out OK for you and funny little Shelby.

Uncle Jim

Humphries said...

Oh Heidi i'm sure Shelby with just remember that she had a fun time with her mommy. That's good to know about 911 because Joseph is always stealing my keys and driving the car. Love Ya

Janie said...

I would have completely lost it. Way to stay calm. Give extra kisses to your babies. See you tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Oh no, I think about that all the time when I through my purse and keys in the seat before I put Eli in. I am in the habit of unlocking the car, getting rid of everything in my hands to put Eli in, so I know how easily this could happen. Well hope you had a fun trip at Walmart at least! :) Happy Birthday Shelby

the Petterson Family said...

that's scary!

How was your halloween?

I tagged you! check my blog to find out details