Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Once there was a snow woman...

A few days ago Luke and I made this snow woman together. It was his first time making one and he had a blast. I wish I had a picture of him next to it but I don't. It was only a few inches taller than him. I call it a snow woman because it was sporting Shelby's purple snow hat. But then again, it has Luke's gloves on, so whatever, I guess. She turned out kinda cute though I think.


nanajohanna said...

These pictures are great. It's so good to see recent pictures of the kids.

Jocie said...

So cool, you have more snow than we do! Life IS good. Miss you!

Debbie said...

I love the pine cone ears, and that smug look to the mouth. Great job Luke!

Jim said...

Yes, very cute sculpture. I hope there's lots of music in your home, all the time, but especially this season. It'll make everything better.


Uncle J im