Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I need advice

So, Luke is getting older and is not quite content with just playing with toys all the time. This has sort of snuck up on me. I just realized that he is getting close to pre-school age, or maybe he is pre-school age. I don't remember how old I was when I went to pre-school. And I am not sure that I want to send him to a public preschool. Mostly because of how much it will probably cost and I think that a lot of might be stuff I could do with him at home. This is why I need advice. I need to know what kids learn in pre-school. Is it something I can do with him at home? If yes, what things do I need? What books, supplies, etc... So, if any of you have any information or suggestions for me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks guys!!



the Petterson Family said...

Oh Oh Oh! This is my forte! How exciting! There are so many different ways of teaching preschool concepts to your child. Some like to concentrate on ABC's and 123's and some like to concentrate on skills that will help them in Kindergarten. That is kind of what preschool is...a prep for kindergarten. Luke is the PERFECT age for teaching preschool skills!

Okay, so here is a link to a website that I really like:

She has TONS of craft ideas, but my favorite thing is "THE ROOKERY" which she has on her sidebar, which has a bunch of blogs with ideas for teaching your kids.

Ok, so I can go on and on! Have fun! If you need any ideas---I have tons!!!

James and Aimee said...

There are TONS of resources around the internet. Just one of them is

None of my kids have gone to pre-school, we've always done things at home. Sometimes I've been pretty structured, but most of the time not. My kids have always been ready for kindergarten and haven't had any problems adjusting to a "learning environment" or being behind any of the other kids. Really all they needed to know for kindergarten is letters and numbers. And how to write their first name. Sorry for such a long comment. I could go on and on about all this. I might just have to call you. Most of all, you should just have fun with Luke. If you make it a big deal, or if it is stressing you out, he won't like it and won't want to do anything. Just relax and have fun, and Luke will too.

Jim said...

Heidi, Honey,

These other two folks have given you fine ideas. I would only add that there is never anything wrong with teaching him the alphabet and some phonetic spelling so that reading will be a natural step to him. He might even have all the basics of it down and be reading signs along to the road out loud to you before he gets to Kindergarten. Just let him go at his own pace and you'll both have a great time. Your daughter will show interest in these activities and be even further ahead when her turn comes.

Uncle Jim

Autumn said...

Hi Heidi,

You might also talk to Jennifer, as she has home schooled extensively. (208)757-7370

I agree with Aimee and my Dad though in that it should be fun and not too structured.

That's my two cents from a non-mama. :) Love ya Cus!

Jacob and Lisa Haeberle said...

Hi there! I had this same situation with Emma. We couldn't afford preschool so a group of moms got together and we shared the duties of teaching our kids the basic abc's and 123's. It was great social outlet for the kids and the mom's got a break for 2 hours once a week. We had 6 kids in the group so we only had our turn every 6 weeks. I loved it. Let me know if you need more info. on it. (Kinda like a structured play group) Love ya, Lisa