Thursday, February 5, 2009

A good laugh!

While Shelby was taking a nap today, Luke and I had fruit leather and some cheeto puffs for a snack. So it is a given that Luke's little hands were extremely sticky from the fruit leather and so the powdered cheese from the cheetos stuck to his  hands all the better. So, we were siting there and Luke was telling me that this is his favorite food(he says that about just about everything). He started to reach for my leg to rest his hand on it and I noticed out of the corner of my eye just in time to pull away. As I did, I said,"please don't put your hand on my pants because they are really messy." He pulled his hands away quickly and held them like he was trying to protect them. He stared with huge eyes at my pants and said in a panicky voice, "They Are?!" I started laughing so hard! It did not occur to me that he would assume I meant that my pants were messy. He was very excited that I was laughing so hard. He loves it when he makes me laugh.


James and Aimee said...

Oh, that made me laugh! Thanks Luke!

nanajohanna said...

Luke is so funny! I just took some family pictures to Dad for his office. One is of Luke, that I took of him the night before Shelby was born. He was wearing his Grandpa's reading glasses and grinning 'cause he knew he looked funny.

Mars said...

Hey Heidi I saw you on Aubrey's blog! More family to keep in touch with. I hope that's ok if I added your link onto my blog.

the Petterson Family said...

aw! what a silly little guy! He is going to be making everyone laugh his whole life I think!!

Autumn said...

Ha! I love this. Gran would get a kick out of the mixed message grammar, too. She always joys to point those things out, and then laughs over it. It's a great story!