Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sneaky little boy

A couple nights ago as I was getting ready for bed I noticed that my scriptures were not where I keep them. I looked all over for them and could not find them. So I went to bed anyway. The next evening when I was putting Luke in his bed I noticed a lump under his covers at the foot of his bed. I'm sure you already guessed it, it was my scriptures. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to look there because he has been known to stash things there in the past. There have been several times when either Pam or I can't find something and it turns up at the foot of Luke's bed, under the covers. I have never caught him in the act so I don't know when he does this. After I put the kids to bed I go downstairs for a couple of hours before I go up to my room, so my guess is he does it when I think he is asleep. I just thought I would share this little story. I think it is pretty funny. Luke is quite the character.

And some of you may be thinking.... how did she not notice that lump the next morning, I probably would have if I made his bed every morning. But, I don't, so it blended in with all of the other lumps in the covers. Oh well, haha


Tamie said...

did you tell me this story already? if not, that is seriously so funny....i guess everyone (no matter thei age) has to have a safe place to stash things. :)

Winegar Family said...

So often he reminds me of Darrin. A little bit wild, but a lot of sweetness! Hey I know I forgot to give you my link. It is

Jocie said...

I love that sneaky little boy! What a great story.

Jim said...

He might be sneaky, but he sure is cute stuff! Come to think of it, we have puppies who do the same thing, but that's mostly with food items and socks and things like that. No scriptures yet.

Uncle Jim

Autumn said...

What a cute little imp! I think I enjoy the mystery behind when he does it as much as the fact that he does it at all! These are exactly the kinds of stories I love to hear when we live so far apart; let's me feel like I still get to know your kiddos anyway.

Love you, Cousin.
