Sunday, March 28, 2010


Yesterday evening, I was driving around Fred Meyer, looking for the redbox machine. There are always lots of shops connected to the outside of Fred Meyer. One of the shops was a baskin robins. I have never been to baskin robins, by the way. Weird huh? Anyway, as I was driving by very slowly, I saw a little girl(maybe 6 or 7), sitting at a table across from her Daddy. They were both having ice cream and the little girl was talking a lot, and the Dad was just smiling and listening to her. It made me tear up a little. That was just so sweet. It reminded me of a time when my family still lived in Denver. I don't remember how old was. Anyway, my Daddy took me to Estes Park for a Daddy~Daughter Date. Estes Park is one of the most beautiful places I've been to. That is of course, based off of my little girl memory. But I remember thinking it was the most beautiful place in the world. We walked around town, did some sight seeing. There was a Dairy Queen, and we went in and had ice cream together. I don't remember now what we had, or what we talked about. But I do remember being so completely happy. I love my Daddy so much. I'm so grateful that he took time to spend with me, and to make me feel special. I love seeing other Dad's doing that. I LOVE seeing the relationship that is forming between Kevin and Shelby. I look forward to them going on Daddy~Daughter~Dates in the years to come. I just love my Dad so much. And I love being a daughter, his daughter.

Sorry, that was a little random, and emotional, but those were all the thoughts and feelings that rushed through me as I watched those two strangers enjoying some Baskin Robins together. And I just had to write them down.


Jim said...

I'm so grateful that you shared these events and feelings with the family, dear Heidi. I identify with this sort of thing in several ways. As a child, I loved going places with one parent or the other. The conversations we had then are more memorable than some others. And just having the undivided attention of one of my folks was a kind of heaven.

I remembered this when I became a father. As a dad, though, these little one-on-one outings took on an added element: humour. My kids would say and do the cutest and funniest things. They would bring up topics that adults would never have considered. Maybe the dad at Baskin-Robbins was experiencing that charm when you saw them.

My father bore his testimony to me once when we lived in Twin Falls. It was just the two of us in the car, a pale blue sedan. On the radio they were talking about something the Pope (John XXIII) had been saying. As they reported it, my father began tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel with the index finger of his right hand. When the story was over, my father said, "I want you to know, son, that I have more priesthood in my little finger than that man has in his whole body."

He was not boasting. He was not exaggerating. He was simply testifying to what he knew to be true.

You are so right about how great one-on-one time with a child and a parent can be.

Uncle Jim

nanajohanna said...

Hey you, that was so sweet. But it made both your Dad and me cry. We miss you kids so much. Isn't it wonderful to have these great memories?

Unknown said...

I am totally about to start crying, that was so sweet! Brett and I have talked about this very thing several times, we definitely want to do one on one dates with our kids, its very important. Especially with Dads because it seems like the kids don't spend as much time with them, well at least in my case because I am home with them all the time. Thanks for sharing, loved the story!

April Bishop said...

Tom and the girls go on daddy-daughter dates regularly. It really is the sweetest thing ever. Don't you love watching your husband with your daughter? Makes you fall in love all over again...

the Petterson Family said...

oh heidi! you made me get all teary! I cant wait for connel to do the same w hannah!