Friday, March 12, 2010

Shelby had to try too...

Shelby was my helper this morning. I think she had fun. Her favorite part was helping me flip the pancakes. But I didn't get pictures of that, of course. And yes, I was very careful. She just held on to the end of the handle while I did the flipping. ;)


nanajohanna said...

I know I've said this to you a million times, but, she looks so much like you. It really takes me back. Thanks and love, Mom

Mars said...

Love her cute little face! How fun for her to help you :)

Lynsey said...

What a cute cute helper! I just love her smile.

Crystal said...

Such a sweetie!!! She looks a lot like you Heidi, so beautiful!

Jim said...

I've always loved the straight line of her little mouth. Cute stuff!