Friday, July 13, 2012

Independence Day

We continued the tradition that we started last year by joining my sister Aubrey and her family up in Bellevue for Independence day. This year was even better than last year and I didn't even win any Xbox toys this year. I bought Heidi a real nice DSLR Canon camera a little while back and luckily she lets me play with it every once in a while so when we went to Bellevue I brought it along with the intent of photographing the fireworks. I did my research before we went about the settings to use in order to get some good shots and some of them turned out really good.

 We are also trying to make it a tradition to get family photos while we're at the picnic getting ready for the fireworks. The Petersens look great but this was the only picture we could get with both our kids smiling but Luke looks a little freaked out. We went to the beach earlier in the day but I'll put that in a different post. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I love my Mom!!!!!

I have always loved my Mom. But being a Mom, myself has changed my perspective so much and  now I love my Mom more than I can say. I know now, everything she did for me. Everything she had to put up with from me. And I know that she loved me anyway, even when I was a little pill. :) My Mom is the kindest, and most wonderful woman I know. I am so blessed to be her daughter. I have learned so much from her and hope to become more like her and to teach my children what she has taught me. To love unconditionally. To give all you have. To have faith. To be strong, and to endure. My Mom really makes a difference in this world, and I hope to do the same. I love you, Ma!! 

This is of Mom and my three older siblings, Aimee, Ben & Sam. 
                                                              Isn't she just beautiful??

Friday, April 20, 2012

My favorite boy in the whole world!!

I simply love my Luke. He has started calling me treasure sometimes. He says it's because treasure is very special. He seriously melts my heart.

I took these pictures this morning. He is dressed as a surfer for a luau at his school today. Here he is showing me his "rad moves". 


                                    Luke drew this for me a while back. I love it! It shows how our hearts are connected. He loves me so much. I can hardly believe it some times. He is such a tender hearted guy. He is going to make some girl very happy some day....WAY in the future.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Popcorn popping!!

So, I'm slightly obsessed with trees when they are in bloom. I LOVE them! Is there anything more beautiful?!?

Pretty girl...

My favorite kind of flowers

A few shots of Shelby in her Easter dress

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring is here at last!!

This winter we had an ice storm. Which is not common for this area. Even snow is not common. At least not in my experience here for the past 3 years. Anyway, the kids and I stayed nice and safe inside. Luke and I were in his room looking out the window when our tree fell over. At first we were sad to see the tree go, but it has let a lot more sun light into our house. The tree used to cover our living room windows and kept out a lot of sun light. Well, I shouldn't say a lot. We don't get a lot of sun shine here anyway. lol BUT we have had a lot of sun the past few days and we have been out and enjoying it!! I think spring is here!

What is left of our tree.
I caught the last bit of a sun set the other night. One of these days when it is clear again like this, I'm going to go out and hopefully get a picture of Rainier at sun set.

Shelby is super sweet, but at times she has an attitude like I have never seen. lol I just have to laugh at it(not to her face of course).
Blue sky, an uncommon sight, that I had to capture. I LOVE blue sky!!

I think I have way more pictures of Shelby than Luke, but that is because she sits still way more than he does.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The latest on the kiddos

Recently, Luke learned how to take showers by himself! I am beyond excited about this. It is so nice to be able to just ask him to go take a shower and not have to worry about anything else. I can just go do something else that needs done. It may sounds silly that I'm so excited about this, but oh well. It's also been great for his self confidence. Which makes me so happy! And I had to post this picture. He is so stinkin cute!!

A couple of weeks ago, Shelby had to have a tooth pulled. She woke up crying, and the gums around her tooth were huge and dark purple! It turned out she had a huge abscess under her tooth. She fell several months ago and hit her tooth. And apparently that is what caused the abscess.Yikes!! The Dentist only had to wiggle it 2 times before it pulled right out. Shelby was super brave. I was so proud of her. And she was SO excited that the tooth fairy was going to come. I woke up the next morning when I heard Luke and Shelby talking in their room. I heard a Luke and Shelby gasp, and then Luke said,"the Tooth Fairy IS real!"

I took these when Shelby came into my bed to snuggle and tell me all about the tooth fairy! It was SO much fun!!
She requested that I take a picture with her missing tooth, the empty treasure chest and the money. I love it!

I recorded a conversation I had with her about the tooth fairy, but I can't get it to post on here. Sorry! Does anyone have any tips on posting videos?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Luke at Random...

Luke is often saying the funniest things, and it occurred to me that I should write them down, so I can read them again years from now. So, here are a few from the past couple of days...

"Mom, you'll never tie me up in a tree, right?...cause that would be TOO dangerous."

"Mom, if our house was made out of Jelly, we wouldn't have to go around things. We could just go right through the walls, by eating the jelly! Cool huh?!"

"Mom, if someone pulled out one of their eye balls and tried to throw it at you, that would be pretty gross huh?"

I wish I could remember more from the past. I will try to remember and write them down. There will be more though I'm sure.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day!

Valentines Day was extra fun because we had Luke and Shelby's cousins(Ava, Max & Mabel) staying with us at the time. All of the girls got flowers!

My sweet Shelby...I LOVE this face!!
Beautiful cousin Ava
Cute cousin Mabel
My flowers from Kev....LOVE them! LOVE him!
I made these Super Hero Valentines for Luke to hand out at school. I found the idea on Pinterest. They are SO cute!!

My Valentines gift for my sweetheart

And Homemade Chicken Pot Pie made with love. lol